Other Media

Videos, Web Sites, and Blogs (Selected)

2023     A. Kleinman, H.T. Chen, A. Forsyth, and F. Habbal, Social Technologies for Aging Societies, Epicenter Podcast, https://epicenter.wcfia.harvard.edu/episodes/ep14-social-technology-for-aging-societies

2020     Feature “What role do planning and design play in a pandemic? Harvard GSD Website https://www.gsd.harvard.edu/2020/03/what-role-do-planning-and-design-play-in-a-pandemic-ann-forsyth-reflects-on-covid-19s-impact-on-the-future-of-urban-life/ Reprinted in Green Builder 2020.

2019-    Blogger/blog editor, Journal of the American Planning Association blog at planning.org https://www.planning.org/blog/?tags=1339.

2019     Harvard New Towns Initiative new towns database: https://research.gsd.harvard.edu/new-towns/.

2017 Creating Healthy Neighborhoods. American Planning Association https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo-v-6uk15c

2013-    Initiator, Healthy Places Design Lab https://research.gsd.harvard.edu/healthy/ and Health and Places Initiative http://research.gsd.harvard.edu/hapi/, various webmasters.

2010-2012   Manager, www.healthymetropolis.blogspot.com (combined with www.designforhealth.net in 2012)

2011-    Design for Health Flickr collection https://www.flickr.com/photos/designforhealth/

2007-   Correspondent, Planetizen Interchange. Monthly comment for 6 years then updates. www.planetizen.com/blog/10386.

From the Design for Health image photostream linked to www.designforhealth.net

2007    A. Forsyth, K. Thering, and G. Nicholls. Script for Corridor Housing Initiative: A Strategy for Effective Planning 30 minutes. www.housinginitiative.org. Director/Producer T. Biaso. http://www.housinginitiative.org/video.html

2006-   Manager, www.designforhealth.net. J. Richardson webmaster; initial design W. Parks.

2006-2007    Manager, www.housinginitiative.org. W. Parks/J.Richardson webmasters. Part of multiple award winning project.

2002-2003, 2004-    Coordinator www.plannersnetwork.org. C.O. Ritthichai, J. Richardson webmasters. One award.

2003-2007    Principal Investigator/Manager, Design Center Image Bank at www.designcenter.umn.edu/images. Various webmasters. Free cataloged 30,000+ image collection transferred to UMN libraries.

2002-2007    Manager, www.designcenter.umn.edu. J. Richardson webmaster. Won two awards/citations. Two awards/citations.

1997    Narrator and Host, Structures and Stories. Springfield: WGBY 57 (PBS). 28 minutes. Director/Producer D. Hunt; Historian F. Gagnon.


2011- Collaborator, Nell Lewin Flickr Site. With H.E. and E.M Forsyth. Photos taken by my maternal grandmother prior to 1913 plus her recipes from the first half of the twentieth century.