Harvard Classes

Pedestrians in outer Chennai in India. Active transportation is a topic in the Healthy Places class; as well as earlier classes on Suburbia and Global Cities
Thesis Prep–Fall 2022, 2021
Analytical Methods: Qualitative–Fall 2022 (previous versions Fall 2015-2021)
Theses, Projects, and Research Papers
Please see the page on theses on this site including instructions on thesis and projects.
Past Courses
Healthy Places–Fall 2020
(previous versions Fall 2012-2018)
Environmental Planning and Sustainable Development--Spring 2017 (previous version -Spring 2016)
Second Semester Core Urban Planning Studio–Spring 2013, 2014. GSD news item on 2013 version and 2014 version
First Semester Core Urban Planning Studio–Fall 2014 (co-coordinator)
Gateway Cities Class (collaborating with Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School)–Spring 2013; GSD news item.